
If you have a question about a specific type of survey or survey issue, please note that the Alberta Land Surveyors' Association can only respond to queries about land in the Province of Alberta in Canada. If you have a land survey related question and are from outside the Province of Alberta, please contact the survey association in your province/country.

The ALSA office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

The people in the Association office are:

Executive DirectorBrian Munday  (extension 3062)
Overall ALSA operations, Council, Executive, general inquiries, Land Surveying History website 

RegistrarRosalind Broderick (extension 3065)
Complaints, Delayed Posting Plan reporting, Discipline Committee, general inquiries, Registration Committee, Registration Reform, Unauthorized Practice Review Committee

Director of Practice ReviewKurt Popadynetz (extension 3067)
Boundary Panel Manager, Continuing Competency Review, Continuing Professional Development 

Administrative AssistantKerry Barrett (extension 3069)
Boundary Panel, Continuing Competency matters, EDI Committee, Historical and Biographical Committee, Practice Review Board, Professional Development and seminars

Executive AssistantDawn Phelan (extension 3063)
Complaints, Council, Corner Recordation Index Working Group, Standards

Administrative AssistantMichelle Woywitka  (extension 3064) 
ALS News, Annual General Meetings, Annual report, Convention & Social Committee, Registration Committee and Registration Reform

Administrative AssistantKatie Brinston (extension 3060)
Unauthorized Practice Review Committee, Alternative Monuments Working Group, Discipline, Education and Support for Applicants for Registration Committee, Contact Information Changes, website, insurance, post orders

AccountantSharon Uppal (extension 3061)
Accounting - accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoice inquiries


Contact Info

1-800-665-2572 (Toll Free) 

Postal address 
10310 - 102 Avenue NW
Suite 205
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5A2

Electronic mail

10310 – 102nd Avenue NW
Suite 205, Revillon Boardwalk Building
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5A2
1-800-665-2572 (Toll Free)

The Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA) is a self-regulating professional association legislated under the Land Surveyors Act. The Association regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public.