April 30 Deadline – Professional Fees

The 2024-2025 ALSA membership dues have been issued and emailed out.
As in past years, annual ALS and articling pupil dues have been sent to the Alberta Land Surveyor or articling pupil directly.  They are NOT sent to your employer.  It is your responsibility to ensure payment is received by April 30th, even if an employer/company is paying your dues on your behalf.
The annual membership fees and levies must be paid on or before April 30. Payment must be received or postmarked by April 30 in order to avoid a $500 late penalty fee.  A practitioner will not be issued an annual certificate or permit to practice until the late penalty fee is paid.
EFT/ED transfers, credit card or cheques are all acceptable methods of payment. To pay by EFT, be sure to include the invoice # in the email message (accounting@alsa.ab.ca).                                                                                                                            
To pay your dues online...
  1. Log into the website using the “Login” link in the top left corner of the homepage.
  2. Click on your name in the top left corner of the homepage to access the MyMember section.
  3. On the MyMember screen go to the My Account section and select Transaction History to see your invoices.
  4. From there you can access any outstanding invoices and pay them online with a credit card.
Please note a 3% convenience fee is added for ALL credit card payments.
Cheques are to be made payable to "Alberta Land Surveyors' Association" and mailed to Suite 1000, 10020 - 101A. Ave., Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 3G2.
If you have not received your invoice or it is not appearing online, please email Kathy Dicks at accounting@alsa.ab.ca