The Code
1 An Alberta land surveyor shall serve society, clients and the profession with the ultimate objective of contributing to the knowledge of land, to the better management of land and to the preservation of peaceful and lawful enjoyment of land.
Duty to Personnel
2(1) An Alberta land surveyor has a duty to assist pupils and employees to achieve their optimum level of contribution to society through their contribution to the profession.
Professional Impropriety
(2) An Alberta land surveyor should avoid even the appearance of professional impropriety.
Professional Confidences
(3) An Alberta land surveyor has a duty to preserve the confidences of clients and regard as privileged the information the Alberta land surveyor obtains regarding the affairs of clients.
Professional Judgment
(4) An Alberta land surveyor has a duty to exercise unbiased independent professional judgment on behalf of clients and shall represent clients competently.
Integrity and Competence
(5) An Alberta land surveyor shall assist in maintaining and improving the integrity and competence of the profession of surveying.
Dignity of the Profession
(6) An Alberta land surveyor has a duty to maintain the dignity of the profession in every association with clients, colleagues and subordinates.
Professional Services
(7) An Alberta land surveyor should assess and receive fair and just compensation, commensurate with the professional and technical complexity, level of responsibility and liability potential of the services performed.
Unauthorized Practice
(8) An Alberta land surveyor shall assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of land surveying.