Continuing Competency Review

The Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association’s Continuing Competency Review (CCR) program is administered by the Practice Review Board (PRB).
The purpose of the program is to ensure that practitioners remain competent to practice while licensed.
The CCR program is robust, educational, fair, timely, and focused on ensuring Alberta Land Surveyors meet the regulator’s standards. Feedback provided to Alberta Land Surveyors leads to improvements in practice.
Each Alberta Land Surveyor will be reviewed at least once every four years.

The Continuing Competency Review Program Phase 4 Program Manual is available here.

A flowchart showing the entire process is available here.

For any further inquires:
Director of Practice Review - Kurt Popadynetz, ALS

10310 – 102nd Avenue NW
Suite 205, Revillon Boardwalk Building
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5A2
1-800-665-2572 (Toll Free)

The Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA) is a self-regulating professional association legislated under the Land Surveyors Act. The Association regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public.