Legislation, Standards and Essential Resources

Legislation, Standards and Essential Resources

Manual of Standard Practice

The purpose of the ALSA Manual of Standard Practice is to assist the Alberta Land Surveyor in practising the profession of land surveying with integrity and competence, and to ensure that surveys and plans of survey result in clear and unambiguous definitions of land boundaries. Although the Alberta Land Surveyor should follow all standards identified in the Manual to the extent possible, the professional judgement of the Surveyor may take precedence in situations where local conditions, conflicting requirements of other authorities, or other circumstances warrant defensible non-compliance with the Manual.



Essential Resources

The Essential Resources for Alberta Land Surveyors is a collection of references and advice that are considered necessary knowledge to practice land surveying in Alberta. Its purpose is to educate the Alberta Land Surveyor and to assist them in practicing the profession with competency.

All Land Surveyors must be familiar with the Essential Resources for Alberta Land Surveyors and should consider it complementary to the scholastic and experiential knowledge required to practice land surveying in Alberta.

10310 – 102nd Avenue NW
Suite 205, Revillon Boardwalk Building
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5A2
1-800-665-2572 (Toll Free)


The Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA) is a self-regulating professional association legislated under the Land Surveyors Act. The Association regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public.