The Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA) is a professional regulatory organization responsible for the examination, licensing, and registration of cadastral surveyors in Alberta.

The ALSA has established a set of high-level core competencies that applicants must have prior to registration as a professional member to ensure the public is protected.
There are three routes to becoming an Alberta Land Surveyor.
The first and most common route is for applicants who are not currently licensed as a land surveyor anywhere else. This route involves having the applicant’s academic credentials evaluated by the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS), obtaining field and office experience in Alberta and passing a series of professional examinations.
Second, an applicant who is already licensed as a land surveyor elsewhere in Canada will be required to pass one jurisdiction-specific examination.
Third, an applicant who is already licensed as a land surveyor in another country must first have their academic credentials evaluated by the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS) before the Registration Committee of the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association assesses what examinations they may be required to complete.
Click on the flowchart to see a summary of each of the routes.
Copies of documents are acceptable.
For more information, select a link below.
Articling Pupils
Land Surveyors already licensed in Canada
Land Surveyors already licensed in Canada
Land Surveyors already licensed outside of Canada
Land Surveyors already licensed outside of Canada
Reinstatement as an Alberta Land Surveyor
Reinstatement as an Alberta Land Surveyor
The Final Steps Before Registration
Principal Course