Surveyor’s Corporations/Partnerships

Surveyor’s Corporations/Partnerships

This section contains application forms and other documents specific to the registration and cancellation of surveyor’s corporations.

Corporations and partnerships are governed by the Professional Practice Regulation and the relevant sections of the Land Surveyors Act.
Where there is a difference between what is printed here and the Professional Practice Regulation or the Land Surveyors Act, the act and regulations shall apply.

10310 – 102nd Avenue NW
Suite 205, Revillon Boardwalk Building
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5A2
1-800-665-2572 (Toll Free)

The Alberta Land Surveyors' Association (ALSA) is a self-regulating professional association legislated under the Land Surveyors Act. The Association regulates the practice of land surveying for the protection of the public.